AWC Services

Our RUles

Automated Wellness Center's main priority is your safety. To ensure your safety, specific rules must be followed to ensure your safety while using our equipment. When entering our business, you agree to follow all the rules we have listed below. The rules are as follows:

Upon Arrival

·      Do not apply body products such as oils and lotions before you arrive

·       All visitors must check-in at the kiosk upon arrival (each visitor must sign in individually, not just the person who booked the appointment)

·       Please remove shoes and coat at the door

·       The information on this website can be accessed on your phone

·       Do not walk away from the Jacuzzi tub when filling

·       Set the Cold tub to the desired temperature

·       Set the Sauna to warm up with the health program max heat

·       Hydrate. Drink a cup of the provided spring water and continue to hydrate throughout and after your visit

What To Bring

·       The center is clothing optional / Bring swimsuits if desired

·       Bath towel   

·       Sweat towel or hand towel for Sauna

·       Bathrobe

·       Shower shoes (if desired)

·       Smartphone to access the website and to communicate with the owner

·       DO NOT BRING ANY FOOD OR DRINK INTO THE CENTER (water bottles filled with water are okay)

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